1. Hureninderotterdam is bound by the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act.
  2. In principle, the personal data you provide are only available to Hureninderotterdam. However, your details may be registered centrally.
  3. We take great care when processing your personal data. We only use the details that are necessary to enable us to provide the best possible service. Hureninderotterdam will not pass on your data to any third party without your permission unless we are required to do so by law or any obligations we have entered into with you.
  4. You may ask Hureninderotterdam what data about you we process, and if necessary, you may request us to correct this information. You may send us a written request for an overview of your details.
  5. Hureninderotterdam uses cookies to help provide the best possible user experience on our websites and in our apps. You can find further information about the cookies we use in our cookie statement.


If you have a question about the privacy policy, please write to the following address.

Samenwerkingsverband Den Hartigh-Pasman
Houtlaan 365, 3016 DA Rotterdam
directie@denhartigh.com / arianne@agjvastgoed.com
Tel: 06 51 88 87 81 / 06 53 17 00 50